This page is for your reference only, it is not part of the navigation menu of the website so visitors can’t access it.
This page is title ’01 Your Guide’ so it will appear as your first page so it is easy to find.
This page is for your reference only, it is not part of the navigation menu of the website so visitors can’t access it.
This page is title ’01 Your Guide’ so it will appear as your first page so it is easy to find.
All Website Images
It is a good idea to keep your images organized on your computer and title the actual file something to do with the website or the subject matter. Example would be ‘Windscapes Landscaping Maintenance’.
Images for your website should be in a jpeg format.
When creating a new image for your website use a resolution of 72 in Photoshop.
When images are uploaded to the website be sure to edit the Title and Alt Text, if you are using an image that has a number behind it you will want to remove the numbers in these fields.
Image Sizes.
Homepage slider images at top of homepage: 1280 x 853
Homepage main services images (Water Features, etc): 1000 x 750
Homepage four column services images (above What our client’s are saying): 500 x 800
Page banner images (top of pages, like about page): 2000 x 500
Portfolio Images: 1000 x 750
Images on most pages (like near the content and below): 800 x 600
Featured images for portfolio page: 1000 x 750 (use a portfolio image)